6th October
Date: 8th Oct 2017 @ 5:30pm
We were so excited on Monday when we arrived at school. A shed with a shiny, red roof had arrived in our outside area and NOBODY knew ANYTHING about it!!!
So we began asking questions. How did it get there? Who put it there? What was inside? When did it arrive?
Fortunately, Mrs Jones had the magic key to open it on Wednesday and we all had a peek inside. It was full of numicon, tubes, balls with numbers on and even a hatch at the back that opened out like a cafe!!!
We had loads of fun investigating the shed and have promised to look after it.
Reception have been working hard on learning some new sounds,- c, k, o and practising the ones we have already learnt.
Year 1 have been writing diaries about some strange events in school and using super scientific words to describe materials.
In PE, we have been balancing along beams and in Forest School we all had a turn on the tightrope.
We are hoping for some dry weather next week so we can make the most of our outside area and continue to work really hard recognising, writing and sequencing numbers.
Does anyone know what comes next in the sequence - 19,21, 23, 25, ?
Let us know!!!
Reception and Year 1