Headteacher's Welcome

Valuing the Individual to Believe and Achieve

Hello and a warm welcome to Styal Primary School. As you step into our school and its grounds, you can feel and see how special it really is. Everyone matters…every day matters.

Our unique school is set in the picturesque Styal Village in National Trust land. We are steeped in history and have close links with Quarry Bank Mill.

We pride ourselves on our nurturing approach. We are a small school where our children are seen as individuals. Every child and their families are known well and valued. We see everyone as part of our Styal family.

From the very start, we aim to develop a love of reading and put reading at the very heart of our curriculum. Aspirations are encouraged and we aim to develop a lifelong love of learning. Our learners develop perseverance, teamwork, communication and problem-solving skills. Above all – we learn through having fun with friends- whether that’s in the classroom or in our fabulous Forest School.

We care deeply about everyone’s wellbeing and safety at Styal Primary School. Our values permeate everything we do, ensuring that children have the strategies to support their wellbeing even long after they have left us. Children feel safe and secure at Styal, they feel listened to and supported…every step of the way. Both emotional health and physical health are nurtured from the start of a child’s journey at Styal.

Our children are Styal Stars. We encourage effort and resilience and being your personal best. We foster an intrinsic pride in our work so children want to do well but are also rewarded for good behaviour, being kind and having a good work ethic.

Our staff are ambitious for our children with high expectations. All our adults are committed to ensuring children reach their full potential. We want children to thrive and excel with their learning…with children at Styal believing in themselves so they achieve and even exceed their potential. We know the children’s strengths, their areas to improve and how to get there! From small acorns grow mighty oaks.

At Styal Primary School, we know that choosing a school for your child is an enormous decision. We would love for you to be part of our Styal family. We are a small school doing big things and we would love to be part of your child’s primary school journey. Please contact us if you would like any further information. We look forward to meeting you.

Mrs Sara Chignell
Interim Headteacher
Styal Primary School

Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280

Email: admin@styal.cheshire.sch.uk

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