Our Phonics Curriculum
We follow the Read Write Inc scheme to teach Phonics.
How Can Parents Find Out More About Our Curriculum?
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Our Curriculum - What is Taught
At Styal Primary School, we promote a happy, safe and stimulating environment where children are motivated to learn. An emphasis is given to the physical and mental wellbeing of all - these underpin the development of the whole child.
Our whole school curriculum is underpinned by our eight key values. We want our children to be:
- Resilient
- Unique
- Confident
- Kind
- Safe
- Ambitious
- Caring
- Knowledgeable
Our school vision of 'valuing the individual to believe and achieve' promotes our ethos of aiming high and being the best we can be. Styal is an inclusive school, intent on ensuring all children reach their potential. We respect children's individuality and aim for children to discover their strengths and interests. We all possess unique gifts and qualities here at Styal - and we celebrate the fact! Where there are barriers, we pride ourselves on embracing different approaches and seizing new opportunities to ensure high quality learning. We love the fact that we know our pupils well. We spend time building relationships with them to ensure this.
Styal's curriculum is broad and balanced and takes into account our school's unique location. Learning encompasses, not only the formal requirements of the National Curriculum, but goes beyond the experiences of the classroom for all children - whatever the age, ability or circumstance. We develop essential knowledge, skills and understanding so children can see links in their learning.
A love and respect for the natural environment is a priority within our curriculum. Our Forest School builds confident Styal pupils where children are responsible for decisions, undertake challenges and have new experiences. Our children thrive outdoors and our residential visit to Robinwood enhances this.
We know that academic outcomes alone do not make a well-rounded person. Extra-curricular activities are one of the ways we support children to have greater opportunities, aspiring children to learn more about a subject or finding skills they would like to pursue in more depth.
At Styal, we want children to have high aspirations for the future and know that these can be reached through hard work and determination. This is supported through our Aspirations Week where we provide children with inspiring and empowering aspirations for future careers. Styal children are prepared for the challenges of high school and encouraged to make a positive contribution to society. We want our children to have the life skills to prepare them for the outside world and through our work on British Values, our children leave us prepared for modern Britain.
Our children are proud to be at Styal Primary School.
At Styal Primary School, we teach learning behaviours. Our Super Learning Day, where children came dressed as a super learning power such as 'questionning', is now being taken a step further. We are developing self regulation and metacognitve strategies throughout our curriculum.
Self-regulation is made up of three key areas:
- Cognition
- Metacognition
- Motivation
Self regulation is the extent to which children are aware of their strengths and weaknesses and the strategies they use to learn. It is how children motivate themselves to engage in learning and how they develop strategies to enhance and improve their learning.
Cognitive strategies are the skills and subject specific strategies we teach - such as the different methods to solve different equations in Maths.
Metacognition is the way children monitor and direct their learning. This could be checking that our technique is accurate or selecting the most appropriate cognitive strategy for the task.
Motivation is about the willingness to engage our cognitive and metacognitive skills and apply them to our learning.
Classroom Learning Walls
Our classroom learning environments are deliberately neutral. Display boards are backed in neutral hessian and are fluid and reflective of current and relevant learning. Research shows that a more neutral environment provides minimal distractions around where the teaching happens. This is more conducive to a purposeful learning environment.
Activating Prior learning
Wherever possible, lessons begin with 'BRIDGING BACK'. It is a chance for children to be responsible and reflective of their own learning, recalling what they have retained and recognising what they need to know. It is part of knowing more and remembering more. Children take part in a mini-quiz and a class discussion around answers. Children are actively encouraged to challenge thinking and build on their peers' answers. Making links in learning and building on prior knowledge helps our children to deepen their understanding and commit learning to long term memory.
At the end of lessons, we 'BRIDGE FORWARD'. There is a brief discussion of how today's learning will inform future learning - helping children to make links in their learning and to understand 'why this lesson, why now?'.