
At Styal, we talk about how to build good relationships all year round. However, we use Anti-Bullying Week (14th - 18th November 2022) to address some of the key messages around bullying. We have a zero tolerance approach to bullying and take it very seriously. See the attached Positive Behaviour Policy for further information.

What Do We Teach Children About Bullying?

Please see our attached Anti-Bullying Policy about how and what we teach children about bullying. 

Bullying is when someone hurts you:

  • Several
  • Times
  • On
  • Purpose

Bullying is not the odd occasion of falling out with friends, name calling and an argument. However, these are also serious incidents which would be dealt with by a teacher. This could be physical, verbal or done on-line.

At Styal we:

  • Have Golden Goals and follow our key values to keep everyone safe
  • We teach children how to build friendships
  • We plan lessons, assemblies and displays which teach children about bullying
  • We teach children how to be safe on-line
  • We celebrate differences and challenge stereotypes. During Anti-Bullying Week, we celebrate Odd Socks Day. Children come to school dressed in odd socks to celebrate the fact we are all unique. At Styal, we promote the celebration of difference and the fact we are all still equal.
  • We encourage children to talk to an adult if they feel they are being bullied.

How Can Parents / Carers Help?

  • Allow school to look into your concern
  • Listen to your child
  • Keep evidence (such as text messages) to share with school if necessary
  • Encourage your child to talk to an adult at school - or talk to the teacher on their behalf
  • Advise your child not to retaliate

How Can Parents / Carers Protect Children From Cyber-Bullying?

Advise children:

  • Never to share passwords, even with best friends
  • To block people if they are sending messages that upset them
  • Not to reply to nasty messages
  • If sent a nasty message or picture, to keep it and show a trusted adult
  • To think before sending a message or photograph. These can be shared by others and thiswill be out of their control
  • To never give out personal information on-line

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Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280


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