Forest School

Our Forest School is our best kept secret.Our Forest School environemnt is such a specail place to be, Forest School helps children build confidence and boost self esteem where children are responsible for making their own decisions and are carefully supported by our staff to achieve.

Clothing on Forest School Day

To ensure that children's arms and legs are protected, please ensure children are sent to school wearing the correct clothing. PE kit can be worn on days the class visits Forest School. PE kit should have...

  • Yellow PE 'T' shirt
  • Long sleeved black fleece/hoodie
  • Long black joggers/leggings
  • Sensible footwear- Wellington boots/walking boots
  • Please no football shirts

Waterproof trousers and coats will be provided by school.

What do we do in Forest School?

Team building and working together.

Names of trees and identifying them in Winter months.

Take a look at the galleries to see what we do in Forest School.

Problem solving.

Developing our resilience and keep working to solve problems.

How wood rots over time.

How to use a fire steel to light a fire.

How to create a fire circle and know how to cover it up to show no trace.






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Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280


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