
Attendance Matters

190 days

(in each academic year)

180 days


178 days


171 days attended

(more than 18 days absence)


Best chance of success!

95% 94% 90%

Parents should understand that attendance is an issue for our school. I am asking for your support in improving whole school attendance and punctuality. Lateness after close of register is classed as an unauthorised absence.

We want your child to attend regularly to support their learning and to take full adavnagtage of school.The impact on a child's education through lost learning is huge. Good attendance and punctuality are important factors in school success. 

Attendance is essential to ensuring that all pupils fulfil their potential. Poor attendance can also have a negative impact on:

  • friendships
  • self esteem and confidence

The government has set a target of 95% attendance for all pupils. This rate allows for periods of illness or particular circumstances when absence from school is unavoidable.

Letters are sent home to advise you if your child's absence falls below this figure.

Persistent Absence

It is considered that attendance of 90% or below is persistent absence. Failing to improve on 90% can lead to prosecution, which school want to help families avoid.

Although 90% sounds reasonably good, it means your child misses:

  • one half day each weeek
  • nearly 4 weeks every school year

By missing out on regular schooling, some children are having to constantly try to catch up on their peers. Having chunks of knowledge missing really disadvantages your child compared to their classmates.

Persistent lateness

As well as attendance, punctuality is also monitred. The school gates are open from 8.30am and the whilstle is blown at 8.50am each morning in the playground. Children then line up and make their way in to class with their teacher. The regsister is taken at 8.50am and the gates locked at 9am. Any child who arrives after this time will need to enter via the school office and be signed in by their parent/carer. After 9am, they will be marked as late. Any child who arrives after 9.20am (30 minutes after the register is opened) will be marked down as unauthorised.

At Styal Primary School, attendance for every child is monitored. In partnership with the Local Authority Attendance team and our Family Support Worker, we work to support all who are not attending school without sufficient reason.  As Interim Headteacher and Emotional Health and Wellbeing Lead, I can work with families to support where needed.

Improving Attendance

There are things to improve your child's attendance and avoid falling into the persistent absence category. 

  • Keep up to date with what percentage attendance your child has
  • Speak to school staff with any concerns
  • Take family holidays outside term time (these will be classed as unauthorised)
  • Talk to your child about the importance of them being in school and let them know how important you feel it is
  • Wherever possible, make medical and dental appointments outside school hours or during school holidays.
  • If your child does need to attend an appointment during the school day, it is expected that they return back to school after.

Encouraging Good Attendance

Attendance Ted spends the week in the class that has the best attendance. The winning class is announced just before break time on a Fridaywhen the class 'adopt' him for the follwoing week and he will stay in their classroom. Class percentages will be shared each week in assembly on a Friday and also on the school's newsletter.



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Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280


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