Pupil Voice Questionnaire

At Styal Primary School we have a whole school approach to listening to the voices of everyone. The children can offer unique perspectives on what it is like to be a pupil at our school. Involving them in change can create meaningful change as well as facilitating a sense of empowerment and inclusion.

We aim to collect pupil voice in a questionnaire at the end of each year. We want children to know that it is safe and it is important for them to express their views on what happens at school.What they say is valued, will be listened to and is considered.

In 2021 - 22, we have introduced a few new questions to our questionnaire - these are linked to on-line safety and the use of 'kind words' in school.

Next Steps

  • Data analysis - which areas do children talk positively about? (Above 90%)
95% Know what to do if find it difficult
96% Know the next steps in their learning
96% Know what to do if they have a problem
96% Able to share their views on imroving the school
96% There is a chance for them to have a leadership role
98% If they are feeling bullied, they have someone to go to in school
93% School also looks after their emotional health
  • Data analysis - which areas do we need to target to help children further? (Below 80%)
74% Behaviour in lessons is good
65% Children use kind words
63% Children use the litter bins
  • All comments shared with teaching staff so they can act on comments
  • Mrs Boardman, the headteacher, will work with individual children regarding their individual comments
  • These three areas below 80% will feed into the whole school priorities for 2022 - 23 (ECO Gang re litter, promotion of Golden Goals for behaviour for learning, RAK awards to have a focus on kind words in Autumn)

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Contact Us

Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280

Email: admin@styal.cheshire.sch.uk

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