9& 16 March 2018
Date: 16th Mar 2018 @ 5:06pm
Spring is finally here!
Apologies for no blog last week due to some technical issues! The last couple of weeks the children have been working really hard on improving their sentence work along side learning 'talk4write' version of Romulus and Remus - we hope to record this soon so you can see their wonderful recount of the myth. The world book day was a big hit and lots of fun had talking about their favourite book.
Next week in English we will be learning about persuasive techniques and making Roman sandals - if you have any thin cardboard boxes (cereal boxes ideal) please can you bring them in for Wednesday when we start our designs.
Children are doing really well with their times tables and division facts using written methods - keep up the good work practising please. Next week we will be looking at solving division multiplication problems and fractions.
For everyone that came along to the music festival I am sure you will agree that the class did a fantastic job of their folk song 'Aura Lee' we are all very proud of them and especially our very own class band: Lucy on saxophone, Daisy on clarinet, Ana on keyboard and Neve, Mathilde, Oliver, Charlie on guitars. If you missed this don't worry as we are doing one last performance at the end of term assembly! Massive thanks to Mrs Walton for all her hard work in coaching the children to make this so polished! Thanks for all your support in this event from attending to helping your child learn their words!
Stars of the week 16 March 2018
Y4 Freddy J - for learning the words to the folk songs and performing so enthusiastically
Y3 Evie W - for working very hard on her multiplication and division written methods
see you all next week!
34 Team