Friday 29th September 2017
Date: 1st Oct 2017 @ 1:59pm
Friday 29th September
When we asked the children what they had really enjoyed this week the list was endless, so here are a few....
"I liked singing in our Mural Opening assembly and listening to the musicians playing." - Neve
"Making the circuits and testing materials." - Jude T
"English writing the adverts and all of Maths!" - Lucy
"Spanish afternoon - tasting paella" - Olliver H
Well done to all the class for their singing in the Mural Opening assembly and we were especially proud of those who played in the steel pan group and the solo performers: Daisy on clarinet, Lucy on the trumpet, and Ana on the keyboard. Freddy and Chloe also played their piano solos confidently in Friday's Celebration assembly - a super end to a very busy week.
Stars of the week:
Evie Year 3 - for working really hard on subtraction methods
Lucas Year 4 - all round great attitude in his learning
Next week we will continue with subtraction and number work in Maths and persuasive writing in English.