Friday 4 May
Date: 5th May 2018 @ 3:22pm
Well done to all the children today for working extremely hard in 'Write to Shine' innovating their final story draft about a child from the Stone Age dropping into modern times! In Maths children have enjoyed our first week learning all about data - reading, interpreting and drawing data. Today we collected lots of information about nature in our beautiful school grounds - take a look at some photos attached!
Children have also really enjoying swimming, forest school and in RE children were interested investigating the meanings of our names and islamic names.
Next week we will begin to read instructions learning about the layout and features as well as continuing looking at our class author 'Jeremy Strong'. The children are reading extracts in guided reading and finding his story writing very funny! Drawing graphs and bar charts will be our main focus in Maths using the data we have collected.
Special well done to the following children awarded certificates in our celebration assembly today:
Millie Y4 for always having a very mature, caring and hard working attitude.
Thomas H Y3 for his excellent effort in his writing.
We hope you have a great weekend of sunshine and enjoy the bank holiday whatever you are doing
Y34 team