Welcome back to the Spring term 2018!

Date: 12th Jan 2018 @ 5:21pm

Weclome back to the Spring term 2018 - the class have settled back in well and working very hard already! 

This week some of our favourite parts so far have been:

-getting to know Mrs Browne our new teacher

-learning about volcanoes and Pompeii in English and Science

-role play about escaping from Pompeii in Roman times

- place value ordering and comparing numbers in Maths

-writing about our favourite place

Most of all seeing friends and staff!

Congratulations to the following children for Stars of the Week:

Y3 Kyla for always presenting her work to a very high standard

Y4 Millie for working really hard to reach challenges in place value in Maths


Next week we will be concentrating on story writing and continuing with Shape, Space and place value work.

Please remember everyone needs their Forest school kit on Tuesday and PE kits Wednesday.  

See you next week




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Styal Primary School

Altrincham Road
Styal, Wilmslow

Main Contact: Miss Jenny Nolan
SENDCo: Mrs Claire Holliday

Tel: 01625 917280

Email: admin@styal.cheshire.sch.uk

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